
Production Graphic Artist

Please fill out this form to apply for the blankstyle.com Production Graphic Artist position

Basic Information

First and Last

List your current city of residence.

List your best contact phone number

About You

What is the highest level of education you have completed

What year did you complete the highest level of education you listed.

Please provide us with a link to your face book, or other social media profile

Please tell us about yourself, include your interests and hobbies along with any special skill sets you feel could apply to the position advertised.

Your Skills

Scale of 1-5 how how accomplished are you communicating via email.

Scale of 1-5 how how accomplished are you communicating through visual graphics IE: Pre production mock ups

Scale of 1-5 how how accomplished are you communicating over the phone.

Please explain why you feel you would be a good fit for the position advertised, what you believe you would bring to the company, and what excites you about working in this field.

Please upload a copy of your resume