

Basic Information
About You

Name of your school, location of your school city and state

What year did you complete the highest level of education you listed.

How many years has it been since you last updated your primary number listed

Do you own or lease a vehicle for daily transportation?

What is normally a good day and time to call you for a phone interview?

Please provide a link to one of your social profiles Linkedin, Instagram, Facebook

Please tell us about yourself, include your interests and hobbies along with any special skill sets you feel could apply to the position advertised

In three paragraphs or less explain any experience you have that may be relevant to the position.

Are you currently employed?

About the position

Please provide a link to an Instagram account you have managed or played a part in managing

Please describe the strategy you have successfully employed to gain engagement

Please provide a link to a business facebook account you have played a part in managing

Please rate your experience using the Facebook advertising platform

Please provide a link to a Pinterest account you have played a part in managing

Paid Advertising

Please describe your experience using google add words both strategy and past assignments. This may include work performed with a contractor

Please describe your experience using Yahoo paid advertising services.

Please describe your experience using the bing advertising platform.

Page Optimization

For the purpose of this section assume we will be creating a new landing page focused on black t-shirts. Keep in mind we are a wholesale blank apparel distributor.

Establish the top four keywords you would target and explain why.

write a title tag for the new landing page black t-shirts include your reasoning

Write an H1 tag for your new landing page black t-shirts. Explain your H1 tag

Write a one to two paragraph description explaining to customers your new landing page black t-shirts. Incorporate your key words.

Write a Meta Description for your new landing page black t-shirts to be shown to customers in the search results

Creative Skills

Rate your experience using photoshop to create marketing material

rate your experience writing and or editing website copy
